Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sample Paycheck

This is a sample payslip which the payroll manager can access or retrieve. The number of hours worked came from 8 hours x 20 days = 160 hours multiplied by the rate of the employee based on what the payroll manager had inputted.
A payslip would not be completed without the following deductions. With regard to this system, the taxes are computed through its percentage on the employee's salary. (The figures are from the BIR's withholding tax, SSS table, and PhilHealth table.) We computed it by getting the percentage of the amount on the table to the employees gross pay.
The sicks and/or leaves doesn't have any effect with the net pay, but this can serve as a reference for the payroll manager with regard the employees' performances and monitor their tardiness and/or reasonable absences.

This is a print preview of the payslip which summarizes from gross pay to net pay. It is also dated on the lower left part of the paper for reference.

The system also lets you to retrieve your employees' payslips.

Employees of Mademoiselle Salon & Spa, Inc.

The system stores the employees information alphabetically with their identification numbers beside their names.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Data Flow Diagram

This shows the flow of data in using an automated payroll system

The main data elements found in the data dictionary are the names of employees and their related personal information, number of hours worked and rates, and monthly contributions and deductions, if any.

Some of the fields in data elements have drop-down option which is a helpful tool to lessen the encoding part and committing errors. Example of this is the field of "Deductions" which already has choices for possible reasons of making deductions.

These data elements are inputted to come up with the salary pay of each employee, that would then be needed as completion to generate a record for every employee in the entity.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

First thing, first

As a part of our requirement in the course of Systems Analysis and Design, we from Asia Pacific College, 2nd year BS Accountancy students, came up with this blog about our chosen system. We, Portia Fajardo and Nika Mae Eralino from the block of AC122, teamed up for this project.

This blog is basically for the analysis of our chosen information system that is related to finance industry.

Happy Reading! ☺

Saturday, July 13, 2013

System Description

The system that we opt to use is the payroll system. Basically, this system is used for managing the employee's income. Payroll is a financial record of employees' salaries, wages, bonuses , net pay, and deductions. (

Payroll system on the other hand, includes any and all types of financial statements that involve the payment of an employer's employees, as well as any statements that relate to the filing of employment taxes. Not only are statements included within these types of systems but the actual functions of printing, delivering or electronic transfer of employees' funds are also included. (
This system was developed and used for the convenience of the business on the part of employer as well as the employees.

We chose the payroll system v1.4 by brothersoft in our project. This system is user-friendly since it is easy to understand and less complicated unlike others. Payroll v1.4's user interface basically looks like a normal payslip sheet. With all the corresponding fields to fill out with necessary information. Aside form its easy access and user-friendly features, it also provides the detailed data about the employees' deductions on their gross pay.

However, this system also has its disadvantages. One of those is that, it can not be modified and customized. The characteristics are fixed, you can't add nor delete some of the fields given unless you purchase the original software.

System Objectives

Systems are made for the essence of achieving its purpose and objectives. As for the payroll system, here are its objectives:

  • to efficiently compute for monthly salaries of employees
  • to easily determine and record the monthly contributions and/or deductions of every employee
  • to keep track of employees' records reliably.

System Functions and Processes


1. Determine first if new or old employee.

2. If new, make a new record provided with necessary information such as name, address, contact numbers, hourly rate, TIN number, etc.

3. If old, click retrieve. It will provide you the list of your employees with their corresponding ID numbers. If you click his/her name, it will show his payslip with its gross pay inclusive of his/her deductions, if any.

the list of employees are just some of the employees we have inputted.
Deductions are based in percentage and monetary amounts.

Example payslip of an employee.
4. If you are done inputting your employee's deductions, you will also input how many hours he have worked for a day, he's overtime, etc. Afterwards, click total to automatically compute for your employees gross pay. 

5. If any, you can also list the leaves of your employees.

6. Payroll custodian is an example user of this system
7. He/She is responsible for inputting the values on its corresponding fields.