Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sample Paycheck

This is a sample payslip which the payroll manager can access or retrieve. The number of hours worked came from 8 hours x 20 days = 160 hours multiplied by the rate of the employee based on what the payroll manager had inputted.
A payslip would not be completed without the following deductions. With regard to this system, the taxes are computed through its percentage on the employee's salary. (The figures are from the BIR's withholding tax, SSS table, and PhilHealth table.) We computed it by getting the percentage of the amount on the table to the employees gross pay.
The sicks and/or leaves doesn't have any effect with the net pay, but this can serve as a reference for the payroll manager with regard the employees' performances and monitor their tardiness and/or reasonable absences.

This is a print preview of the payslip which summarizes from gross pay to net pay. It is also dated on the lower left part of the paper for reference.

The system also lets you to retrieve your employees' payslips.

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